
Fix Spotify can’t play this right now error on Windows PC

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Many users of Spotify Music have been experiencing problems where they are unable to play songs from within the actor itself. Depending on the situation, some users may not take the ability to play a particular vocal, or whatsoever of the songs from an anthology. Now, some users came across an error message that could be confusing if you have no idea what's going on. The error message is as follows:

Spotify can't play this right now, If yous have the file on your calculator you lot can import it.

Spotify Can't Play This Right Now

Why does Spotify go on maxim can't play this right now?

The reason behind this situation could take a lot to exercise with sound drivers, or in another instance, Spotify itself may take issues with corruption.

Why is Spotify giving me an error message?

Spotify, despite being one of the best apps for listening to music, is not perfect. From fourth dimension-to-time users volition observe themselves dealing with one or multiple error codes, and the cause for this varies.

Prepare Spotify can't play this right now error on Windows 11/10

Solving this trouble may require the user to perform multiple actions, but zilch designed to accept you around the figurer for a long time. The information below should help you in more than ways than ane, hopefully.

  1. Restart your computer
  2. Disable Spotify's hardware acceleration feature
  3. Delete the local Spotify enshroud files
  4. Modify the streaming quality on Spotify

one] Restart your reckoner

Before you go any further, we want you to restart your Windows 11 reckoner. In most cases, restarting the reckoner is a not bad manner to get rid of issues plaguing Spotify. To do this, you can right-click o the Start Menu push, then hover the mouse cursor over Shut Down or Sign Out. From at that place, select Restart, and that's it.

2] Disable Spotify's hardware acceleration feature

Hardware acceleration is peachy if you do not want to accept software algorithms doing the heavy lifting. By default, Spotify has hardware dispatch turned on, but you lot can plow information technology off with ease since it is capable of causing the Spotify can't play this correct at present.

In order to go this done, you must open the Spotify app, and from in that location, click on the Ellipsis button from the top-left of the app. From in that location, select View, then deselect Hardware Acceleration.

Restart the Spotify app, so bank check if the error is withal popping up out of nowhere.

three] Delete the local Spotify cache files

If you are one of the many people experiencing the Spotify tin can't play this right now mistake and the above information failed to work, then we suggest deleting the local cache files directly linked to Spotify.

In order to get the job washed, y'all must close Spotify, then launch the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows key + R. When the text area makes an appearance, you will desire to blazon the following and hit Enter:


When the AppData folder opens, go to Spotify > Users, then click on your username. From within the folder, please delete the file named local-files.bnk, and so showtime Spotify one time the job is complete.

iv] Change the streaming quality on Spotify

Yes, the app does offer the power to change the Streaming quality with ease. Do this by clicking on the Ellipsis button, then go to Edit > Preferences. Scroll down to Sound Quality and from in that location, you lot tin easily alter the quality of the stream.

Read: How to fix Spotify Error Code 13 or 7.

Spotify Can't Play This Right Now


Vamien McKalin possesses the awesome power of walking on water like a boss. He's also a person who enjoys writing nearly engineering, comics, video games, and anything related to the geek world.


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