
How To Fix Ps2 Av Cable

#1 CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   184 Posts   Joined 17.3 Years Ago


Posted 10 September 2004 - 01:43 PM

This section I am opening up for PS2 repair. This section was created to help people out who have a broken PS2 or one that is on its death bed. Hopefully we can save people money and headaches here. Below are a few links to get people started if you have specific questions post them here. I have repaired 8 PS2s now and can answer and troubleshoot many problems. With the help of the CAG community we can work together to fix dead PS2s around the world.

Laser DRE and other related Laser problems go here:

A forum for PS2 problems:

If all else fails post here and I am sure people from CAG will help you out

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#2 pimpinc333 CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   11381 Posts   Joined 18.0 Years Ago


Posted 10 September 2004 - 01:47 PM

Wow sweet dude good job on this topic.....when my ps2 breaks ill be sure to use ur guide...but my lauch ps2 is still running strong and hopefully it wont break(knock on wood). lol thx again

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#3 zionoverfire C10Cl12 CAGiversary!   18242 Posts   Joined 17.5 Years Ago


Posted 10 September 2004 - 04:30 PM

Umm wouldn't it be better to tell people with DRE problems to ship it off to sony for $10 because after you break the seal inside sony may not fix it for you if you can't solve the problem yourself.

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#4 Ledhed CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   9213 Posts   Joined 17.6 Years Ago


Posted 10 September 2004 - 04:49 PM

Umm wouldn't it be better to tell people with DRE problems to ship it off to sony for $10 because after you break the seal inside sony may not fix it for you if you can't solve the problem yourself.

Since when did they charge only $10? Plus, that's probably for those whose warranty is still valid. I'm sure once the warranty expires, that the shipping+repair price is considerably higher than $10.

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#5 hutno CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   2226 Posts   Joined 17.7 Years Ago


Posted 10 September 2004 - 05:01 PM

Umm wouldn't it be better to tell people with DRE problems to ship it off to sony for $10 because after you break the seal inside sony may not fix it for you if you can't solve the problem yourself.

Since when did they charge only $10? Plus, that's probably for those whose warranty is still valid. I'm sure once the warranty expires, that the shipping+repair price is considerably higher than $10.

hes reffering to $10 for the shipping back to sony. Sony fixes DRE's for free assuming you havent opened up your ps2 and broke the seal, this extends beyond the standard warranty

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#6 asuitor CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   184 Posts   Joined 17.3 Years Ago


Posted 10 September 2004 - 05:07 PM

but only in some cases does sony actually do this DRE repair, I figured it would be a good idea to post this here

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#7 Ledhed CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   9213 Posts   Joined 17.6 Years Ago


Posted 10 September 2004 - 05:10 PM

hes reffering to $10 for the shipping back to sony. Sony fixes DRE's for free assuming you havent opened up your ps2 and broke the seal, this extends beyond the standard warranty

Really? I spoke to them about a year and a half ago about my DRE PS2, and it was around $50-60 to have it shipped and fixed outside of standard warranty. I guess they finally clued in to what a problem it was creating.

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#8 Chris Dillon God Save The King CAGiversary!   2167 Posts   Joined 17.7 Years Ago

Chris Dillon

Posted 10 September 2004 - 07:38 PM

i payed 8 to get mine shipped ground ups and i got mine back in 8 days. No charge and no hassle since. I would really recomend doing this. I know these fixes may work but only so long and before long youll be doing them everytime you put a new game in which i did. Just send it in. Buy a ps1 and lcd combo and play that while that is going down.

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#9 Kaijufan CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   9848 Posts   Joined 18.0 Years Ago


Posted 11 September 2004 - 12:51 AM

Add this one to the list:
It has info on how to send PS2s into Sony to get them fixed for free. Both my brother and I have used this service, and its great that they offer it.

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#10 zionoverfire C10Cl12 CAGiversary!   18242 Posts   Joined 17.5 Years Ago


Posted 11 September 2004 - 01:01 AM

Yeah Sony got sued, an instead of paying a bunch of money in fines they now fix all PS2 DRE's you must however specify when you call then that your PS2 is having DRE and no other problems.

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#11 droptopmetro CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   270 Posts   Joined 18.0 Years Ago


Posted 11 September 2004 - 01:02 AM

This isn't a real sticky...
Well I had a 1st gen ps2 and the warranty was expired but sony took the system in to repair the DRE problems and they sent it to me in under a week.

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#12 asuitor CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   184 Posts   Joined 17.3 Years Ago


Posted 14 September 2004 - 12:57 AM

Sony apparently will fix your ps2 if it has a blue back or CD-ROM DRE but if it has a DVD DRE your on your own if you have problems post them here

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#13 Hush CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   171 Posts   Joined 18.0 Years Ago


Posted 14 September 2004 - 01:03 AM

They even fixed mine AFTER THE SEAL WAS BROKEN! Of course, I didn't mention that on the phone. All you need to do is call them and play along with whatever they ask you to do on the phone (put your PS2 in diagnostic mode, etc.) and when you system inevitably isn't able to read a disc, they will finally give you the info about sending your PS2 off to them to be fixed.

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#14 Scrubking Feels the Force CAGiversary!   4804 Posts   Joined 18.2 Years Ago


Posted 14 September 2004 - 01:54 AM

(put your PS2 in diagnostic mode, etc.)

How do you do that and what is supposed to do?

I've tried fixing my PS2's DRE problem manually, but to no avail. The gear fix didn't work. The only thing that had a temporary effect was using compressed air to move the lens all around. After shaking it loose or whatever it would work for a week or so then stop reading again.

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#15 asuitor CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   184 Posts   Joined 17.3 Years Ago


Posted 14 September 2004 - 03:15 AM

Did you take your lens cover off to blow the dust out, you can also try turing up the laser intensity see OP but also use a flattened cue tip (Flatten it with pliers) with alchol to clean the lens?

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#16 Scrubking Feels the Force CAGiversary!   4804 Posts   Joined 18.2 Years Ago


Posted 14 September 2004 - 04:53 AM

Yeah, I'm not messing with the laser intensity since it will kill the laser.

And yes, I have cleaned everything a million times.

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#17 asuitor CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   184 Posts   Joined 17.3 Years Ago


Posted 14 September 2004 - 01:22 PM

Messing with the laser intensity does not kill the laser if you do it properly, get a multimeter from wal mart or a radioshack. they are like 10-15$ and priceless when doing PS2 repair. The link at the top shows how to use the multimeter to adjust the laser and what the safe zone is for the laser. Also you cleaned the mirror under the laser, because dust gets lodged there and unless you take the housing to the laser off you cannot clean it properly.

SAFE ps2 laser adjustment

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#18 Kaijufan CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   9848 Posts   Joined 18.0 Years Ago


Posted 16 September 2004 - 05:46 PM

(put your PS2 in diagnostic mode, etc.)

How do you do that and what is supposed to do?

Its on the same menu that allows you to change your Playstation 1 options (faster loading, and the other option). I dont know what its supposed to do, but it never helped for me when I got DRE.

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#19 iflabs CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   357 Posts   Joined 17.1 Years Ago


Posted 15 November 2004 - 10:42 PM

Anyone clean other lens under the front one? I tried that method and now everything loads up perfectly-not exactly pefectly, there's just a wait for the DVDs to load up.

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#20 willardhaven Thief of Life CAGiversary!   7087 Posts   Joined 17.6 Years Ago


Posted 16 November 2004 - 03:30 AM

I don't know if this falls under "repair", but is it safe to take the HDD out of one PS2 and put it in another?

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#21 Murcielago77 bam CAGiversary!   4408 Posts   Joined 18.2 Years Ago


Posted 16 November 2004 - 03:35 AM

I don't know if this falls under "repair", but is it safe to take the HDD out of one PS2 and put it in another?

I wouldnt see why not. You can put it in so i dont see why you cant take it out and put it in again

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#22 SpeedFire CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   768 Posts   Joined 17.2 Years Ago


Posted 20 November 2004 - 03:37 PM

Hey guys,

I found a PS2 in pieces, apparently my neighbor didn't know how to put the HDD in and.... kinda decided to open the PS2. Everything looks to be in great shape, I've putten everything back together except two things: the controller/mem card port and the top cover's power button cable. Anyone know where these two ribbon cables go to?

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#23 -BigC- CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   606 Posts   Joined 17.3 Years Ago


Posted 20 November 2004 - 11:59 PM

I cant get mine open

Can someone post a picture of a better faq then gamefaqs is using

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#24 -BigC- CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   606 Posts   Joined 17.3 Years Ago


Posted 21 November 2004 - 01:07 AM

I just fixed it

:tu to beating the crap out of electronical devices until they work :)

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#25 deinman CAG Veteran CAG Veteran   2 Posts   Joined 17.0 Years Ago


Posted 28 November 2004 - 07:14 PM

My PS2 is acting up its not at the dreaded DRE level yet but its close. I want to get a Lens Cleaner But I hear Lens Cleaner mess up peoples PS2 is this true? Can anyone help me?

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#26 zionoverfire C10Cl12 CAGiversary!   18242 Posts   Joined 17.5 Years Ago


Posted 28 November 2004 - 07:18 PM

My PS2 is acting up its not at the dreaded DRE level yet but its close. I want to get a Lens Cleaner But I hear Lens Cleaner mess up peoples PS2 is this true? Can anyone help me?

Well if you send it to Sony for DRE problems they often clean up your system so they might clean the lens or replace it while its in the shop.

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#27 BigDiesl CAG Veteran CAG Veteran   1 Posts   Joined 17.0 Years Ago


Posted 29 November 2004 - 06:02 AM

My PS 2 powers up & everything, but all I get is no data. I tried a PS 1 & PS2 game, along with a music CD, & a DVD. This has all worked until recenntly. Any recommendations before I send it in for repair.

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#28 asuitor CAGiversary! CAGiversary!   184 Posts   Joined 17.3 Years Ago


Posted 30 November 2004 - 04:48 AM

either your Laser just went, or your spindle is toast, unless you want to open it up and put a new laser in. Probably the best solution is to send it to get fixed unfortunatly. Buying the multimeter for testing the laser and a new laser will run you around 80$

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#29 Trakan


Posted 30 November 2004 - 05:00 AM

Alot of the time the system just needs to be cleaned. I had terrible DRE problems, and I read a GameFaqs FAQ. It told me to take the thing apart and vaccum/compress air it out. I did that, and wiped all the dust out of there. Worked like new from then on.

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#30 FlatOut CAG Veteran CAG Veteran   1 Posts   Joined 16.9 Years Ago


Posted 14 December 2004 - 07:32 AM

What is supposed to happen in diagnostic mode?

Here's why I ask.....
My kids PS2 has been screwed for a few months now. After it happened I cleaned the laser etc etc etc.......nothing. So finally this week I found a local shop that "repairs" them. Its $40 unless they can't fix it...then its just $10. They called today and can't fix it. So I'm guessing they just charge people $40 to clean the freakin' laser. :evil: :evil:

I found the link about Sony doing free repairs and I'm going to try that. But apparently its more screwed than a DRE, its the "no data". Like I said its been a few months, but I think I remember trying the diagnostic mode and nothing happened. I may need to bluff my way through the diag. mode part of the phone call with sony.....but I need some help??
Atleast if they tell me to send it to them there's a chance they'll fix it??? Please help....My kids are driving me crazy and I'm having fight night 2004 withdrawls. :cry:

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How To Fix Ps2 Av Cable


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